Regulator Rule 9 imposes specific obligations on CTP Insurers regarding the ISV medical assessment process. Some key requirements are:

  • Select an Accredited Medical Practitioner from the register who is accredited for the body system(s) matching the claimant’s injuries. An Accredited Medical Practitioner cannot be selected if they have been or are the claimant’s treating doctor.
  • Communicate with the claimant to discuss the ISV medical assessment process identifying any issues that may impact assessment attendance and address them.
  • For children’s claims, communication must occur with the child’s parent, guardian or legal representative to agree on the selected Accredited Medical Practitioner and ensure minimal disruption to the child’s educational commitments.
  • Write to the claimant at least seven business days prior to the ISV medical assessment date to provide details and requirements for the appointment.
  • Provide the Accredited Medical Practitioner with all necessary and relevant documentation at least two business days prior to the assessment.