Lodging a claim

Complete a claim form and send it to the at-fault vehicle's CTP Insurer.

Find out more about the claim process and lodging a claim.

Send your claim form to the CTP Insurer of the vehicle that caused the accident. View each insurer's contact details.

If the at-fault vehicle was unregistered, or you don't know their registration details, send your form to the CTP Regulator.

Complete a claim form and send it to the at-fault vehicle's CTP Insurer.

Once the insurer receives your form, they will contact you with a claim number within seven business days.

Find out more about the claim process.

Lodge your claim as soon as possible, so the insurer can start supporting your recovery (if the claim is accepted).

Ideally, claims should be lodged within six months of the motor vehicle accident. If it has been more than six months (but less than three years), the insurer will ask why there has been a delay.

If the accident was more than three years ago, your claim will only be accepted if limited legal exceptions apply.

Include as much information and detail as possible. This helps the insurer process the claim efficiently.

A claim can be submitted with some minor information missing. Once they receive the claim, the insurer will contact you to discuss anything that's unclear or missing.

You don't need a lawyer to make, or manage, a CTP claim. However, you can seek legal advice at any stage of the claim process.

During your claim

If the claim is accepted, the insurer will cover treatment, care and support that is:

  • reasonable and necessary, and
  • treating injuries caused by the motor vehicle accident.

Contact the CTP Insurer with specific questions about what they'll cover.

Find out more about what's covered.

Yes, you can be treated by any doctor or health provider.

If you're unsure whether the insurer will cover the costs of a specific treatment provider, contact the insurer to ask.

During a CTP claim, the insurer covers treatment for injuries caused by the motor vehicle accident.

Insurers may seek information about somebody's medical history to make sure that the injuries were caused by the motor vehicle accident, and weren't pre-existing.

Find out more about your privacy.

If you have any issues or concerns about your claim, discuss these directly with the insurer. If your Claims Consultant  can't resolve the issue, ask to speak with the State Claims Manager.

Find out more about complaints and disputes.

Claim settlement

There's no specific timeframe when a claim will settle. Generally, the insurer will start to finalise and settle the claim once your injuries are medically stable.

If it is approaching  three years since the motor vehicle accident, you will need to file a court action to keep the claim open.

Find out more about claim settlement.

The type and amount of compensation you receive will depend on your personal circumstances and how serious your injuries are.

When your claim is ready to settle, the insurer will make you an offer that explains what types of compensation (if any) they are offering you.

Find out more about different types of compensation.