The following resources provide useful information on treating people who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents

Guidelines for the Management of Acute Whiplash-associated Disorders for Health Professionals

Whiplash Guidelines for the Management of Acute Whiplash-associated Disorders for Health Professionals (3rd edition)

Developed by New South Wales' State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA), these guidelines provide useful clinical information about managing whiplash-related disorders, which are common in CTP Schemes.

The guidelines also provide evidence-based recommendations  about treating acute whiplash-related disorders.

Find out more about whiplash injuries.

Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services

Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services 

Developed by Victoria's Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and WorkSafe Victoria, this framework outlines guiding principles for the delivery of health services. It has been widely endorsed by Australian CTP and workers' compensation schemes, as well as peak health associations.

Standardised Outcome Measure Tools

Clinical outcome measures help to objectively monitor and measure somebody's functional health status throughout their recovery.

A list of commonly used standardised outcome measures is included in the Injury Recovery and Early Intervention Framework.