Resources for health providers

To help your treatment of people injured in motor vehicle accidents, refer to:


Invoices are paid by the insurer managing your patient's claim.

Ask the patient for their claim number. The start of the claim number will tell you which insurer to send invoices to:

  • AAMI claim numbers start with X
  • Allianz claim numbers start with CSS
  • NRMA claim numbers start with SAA
  • QBE claim numbers start with 94
  • Youi claim numbers start with YOU.

If you're unsure whether the insurer will pay for a certain treatment or service, contact them to ask about pre-approval.

If your patient doesn't have a CTP claim yet, they will need to complete an Injury Claim Form and send it to the at-fault vehicle's CTP Insurer. Find out more about the claim process.

For privacy reasons, the Regulator cannot tell you whether somebody had lodged a claim, or which insurer is managing a claim.

Medical Certificate

Part of the Injury Claim Form is the Medical Certificate. This helps the insurer to understand, as early as possible, what the patient's injuries are and what treatment they might need.

The Medical Certificate can be downloaded as a Word (RTF) or PDF document.

The Certificate should be completed by a medical practitioner. Completion can be charged under Medicare Benefits Schedule item numbers:

  • 00023 (less than 20 minutes)
  • 00036 (20 to 40 minutes)
  • 00044 (more than 40 minutes).

For more information, read our Medical Certificate fact sheet.

Injury Recovery and Early Intervention Framework

The Injury Recovery and Early Intervention Framework helps to support CTP claimants' recovery.

The Framework:

  • Explains each party's role in supporting a person's injury recovery
  • Provides guidance to injured people about the CTP Scheme
  • Includes information on best practice injury recovery considerations, as well as useful clinical resources.