Our vision

The CTP Regulator's vision is to deliver a fair and competitive CTP Scheme with choice, ease and confidence for the South Australian community.

Our plan and strategic objectives

Our aim is to provide community confidence in the Scheme by regulating CTP Insurers and monitoring the CTP Scheme's performance.

View our Plan and Strategic Objectives for 2022-26.

Our values

Our valuesWhat this means
We are outcomes driven
  • We look for practical solutions
  • We are decisive in our approach
We are accountable
  • We do what we say we will do
  • We act in the best interests of the Scheme
We are collaborative
  • We listen to and inform our community
  • We work together and bring positive change
We are fair
  • Our practices reflect and uphold our independence
  • We make evidence-based decisions
We are supportive
  • We provide quality customer service
  • We respect the diversity of the people we serve

Gender equality and respect

The CTP Regulator is committed to gender equality and respect across our team. We promote and encourage:

  • Diversity, flexible work and part-time work being included in our job and person specifications, job advertisements and recruitment processes
  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Staff access to training and policies on gender equality and respect.

Domestic violence

We are committed to creating a safe, respectful workplace where everyone can excel.

The CTP Regulator, through its relationship with the Department of Treasury and Finance, is accredited as a White Ribbon Workplace. Find out more about White Ribbon Australia.

You can also visit Break the Cycle, the South Australian Government's hub for domestic violence information and support.